Go Make Disciples: The Eucharistic Revival & the Call to Evangelize

The "Go Make Disciples: The Eucharistic Revival & the Call to Evangelize" conference, organized by Fullness of Truth, is scheduled for March 7-9, 2025, at the Randolph Riverfront Center in Alexandria, Louisiana.

Minister Day
Calendar Icon - Church X Webflow Template
March 7, 2025


March 9, 2025
Minister Location
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Randolph Riverfront Center

About the Event

We are all called to sainthood. Yes, but since we're fallen, that just not going to happen on its own. It requires a process.

All are called to spread the Good News of Jesus - yes, all of us. Evangelization is not an option, but Christ's express command! But most Catholics feel ill-prepared to take up the challenge. So, on March 7th thru March 9th at the Randolph Riverfront Convention Center in Alexandria, LA, Fullness of Truth presents its 4th Annual Diocesan Lenten Catholic Family Conference entitled, “Go Make Disciples!: The Eucharistic Revival & the Call to Evangelize”. Equip yourselves with the expertise of renown convert scripture scholar & prolific author, DR. JOHN BERGSMA, the dynamic Louisiana-native & veteran Catholic apologist DR. KARLO BROUSSARD, the spunky Catholic convert “evangelista” & author SONJA CORBITT, and the hilarious comedian & evangelist PAUL J. KIM. Sacred music will be offered by NOLA-based & Hallow App’s THE VIGIL PROJECT throughout the weekend as well. By definition, to be a Christian is to be an evangelizer. The good news is - you can do it – and you don't need esoteric knowledge. Our Conference will be your guide to what the “New Evangelization” is, and to the next chapter in the National Eucharistic Revival; a new Pentecost!

The crisis in the Church is painfully obvious in the sharp declines in Catholic marriages, infant baptisms, Sunday Mass attendance, and the number of priests. Meanwhile, the number of semi-active and ex-Catholics is skyrocketing! Many “millennials” notoriously consider themselves “spiritual, but not religious”. The Catholic laity must now decide whether they will be passive onlookers or choose to act. Recent popes have challenged all Catholics to participate in the “New Evangelization”. But what does “evangelization” mean for today's Catholics? This Conference is designed to light a fire under every Catholic and to inspire an active response of faith. Our speakers have diagnosed the common problems average Catholics face when it comes to sharing the Faith, and they will offer simple but profound strategies to overcome these problems. Believe it or not, you can learn the skills needed for evangelization, starting today! No matter what your specific gift or walk of life, you have a role to play in revitalizing Catholicism in America. This is a new moment in the life of the Church. Don’t miss it!

Conference Schedule

Friday, March 7

4:00 p.m. - Registration & Bookstore Opens

5:00 p.m. - Opening Remarks & Family Stations of the Cross

6:15 p.m. - Vigil Project Concert

7:00 p.m. - Movie: Love God's Will

8:05 p.m. - Presentation: God’s Infinite Sense of Humor by Paul J. Kim

9:00 p.m. - Closing Remarks

9:30 p.m. - Bookstore & Building Closes

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Saturday, March 8

7:00 a.m. - Registration & Bookstore Opens*

7:30 a.m. - Conference Begins - Welcome Remarks

                    Holy Rosary

7:50 a.m. - Break

8:00 a.m. - Holy Mass - Fr. Luke Lefleur

9:15 a.m. - Break

9:45 a.m. - Presentation #1: Empowered to Share: Embracing the Call to Evangelize in a Modern World by Dr. Karlo Broussard

                        Youth Track Session #1 Begins

10:35 a.m. - Break

11:00 a.m. - Presentation #2: Is There Enough Evidence to Convict you a Catholic? by Paul J. Kim

11:50 a.m. - Angelus & Lunch Break

                       Youth Track Session #1 Concludes

1:00 p.m. - Praise & Worship Concert by the Vigil Project

1:30 p.m. - Youth Track Session #2 Begins

1:45 p.m. - Break

2:0o p.m. - Presentation #3: Discipleship is the Greatest Commandment: How to Love the Lord with All Your Heart and Soul by Sonja Corbitt

2:50 p.m. - Break

3:10 p.m. - Adoration & Eucharistic Procession with the Chaplet of Divine Mercy

3:55 p.m. - Break

4:15 p.m. - Presentation #4: Mass Conversion by Dr. John Bergsma

5:05 p.m. - Day 1 Closing Remarks
                     Youth Track Session #2 Concludes

5:30 p.m. - Bookstore & Conference Closes

6:00 p.m. - Benefit Dinner with Keynote by Dr. Bergsma  
                    Please note this is a separate ticketed registration - click here for details!

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Sunday, March 9

7:00 a.m. - Registration and Bookstore Opens*

7:30 a.m. - Conference Begins - Welcome Remarks

                    Holy Rosary

8:00 a.m. - Presentation #5: Discipleship is the Greatest Commandment: How to Love the Lord with All Your Mind and Strength by Sonja Corbitt

8:50 a.m. - Break

9:20 a.m. - Presentation #6: Faith Forming Minds for Mission: How to be Intellectually Prepared to Share the Faith by Dr. Karlo Broussard

10:10 a.m. - Break

10:30 a.m. - Holy Mass Celebrated by Bishop Robert Marshall

12:00 p.m. - Angelus/Lunch

1:15 p.m. - Presentation #7: The Last Supper Through Jewish Eyes: Understanding the First Eucharist by Dr. John Bergsma

2:05 p.m. - Break

2:30 p.m. - Presentation #8 - Q&A Panel: Dr. Karlo Broussard & Dr. John Bergsma

3:15 p.m. - Break

3:30 p.m. - Adoration, Eucharistic Procession & Benediction

4:15 p.m. - Conference Conclusion - Closing remarks

4:45 p.m. - Bookstore closes

*Please note the bookstore cash registers will be closed for check out during all liturgical events*

Schedule subject to change

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Calendar Icon - Church X Webflow Template
March 7, 2025


March 9, 2025
Location Icon - Church X Webflow Template
Randolph Riverfront Center
Alexandria, LA
Go Make Disciples: The Eucharistic Revival & the Call to Evangelize

Guest Speakers

Bishop Robert Marshall

Bishop Robert W. Marshall, Jr., was ordained to the episcopacy and installed as the thirteenth Bishop of Alexandria by Archbishop Gregory Aymond of New Orleans, on August 20, 2020 in St. Francis Xavier Cathedral.Bishop Marshall was born on June 17, 1959, in Memphis, Tennessee. A graduate of Catholic schools, Bishop-elect Marshall attended St. Michael School, Christian Brothers High School, and Christian Brothers University, all in Memphis. He obtained his law degree from Memphis State University (now the University of Memphis) and practiced law for twelve years in both St. Louis, Missouri and Memphis.Discerning a call to priesthood, Bishop Marshall studied at Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans, Louisiana, and received a Master of Divinity degree in 2000. He was ordained to priesthood on June 10, 2000, at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Memphis by the Most Reverend J. Terry Steib, S.V.D.

Bishop Marshall has served in parish ministry in a number of parishes in the Diocese of Memphis, most recently as the pastor of Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Memphis (2017-2020).In addition to his work in parishes, Bishop Marshall has also served the Diocese of Memphis as a Master of Ceremonies for Bishop Steib, a member of the Presbyteral Council, the College of Consultors, the Priest Personnel Committee, the Diocesan Pastoral Planning Committee, and the Bishop’s Annual Appeal Steering Committee. He was the delegate of Archbishop Joseph Kurtz who served as the Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Memphis for five months and he served Bishop David Talley and the diocese as Vicar General until his appointment as the thirteenth bishop of Alexandria.

John Bergsma

Dr. John Bergsma serves as Professor of Theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville and Vice President of Mission at the St. Paul Center. He holds the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) and Master of Theology (Th.M.) degrees from Calvin Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan, and served as a Protestant pastor for four years before entering the Catholic Church in 2001, while pursuing a doctorate (Ph.D) in Theology from the University of Notre Dame. He specialized in the Old Testament and the Dead Sea Scrolls, graduating with high honors in 2004.

Over the years, Dr. Bergsma has become a sought-after speaker and author. Last year alone, John spoke at a dozen priests conferences, to an estimated 1,000 Priests. He is the author of over twenty books on Scripture and the Catholic faith, including his series of reflections on the Sunday Mass readings titled: The Word of the Lord: Reflections on the Sunday Mass Readings and his upcoming release Jesus and the Jubilee: The Biblical Roots of the Year of God's Favor.

Other popular books include Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls: Revealing the Jewish Roots of the Church, Introduction to the Bible: The Old Testament, the Bible Basics series, and Stunned by Scripture, which details John’s conversion story.

John can also be found frequently each week on the St. Paul Center’s Letters from Home podcast and YouTube channel. He also hosts a weekly show with Dr. Scott Hahn titled: Word of the Lord, which reaches Catholics all around the world at stpaulcenter.com.

Most importantly: John and his wife Dawn have been married since 1993 and have 8 children and 3 grandchildren (so far)!

Please help me welcome Dr. John Bergsma!

Karlo Broussard

My name is Dr. Karlo Broussard, DPhil, a Ragin Cajun from Southern Louisiana. In my early twenties, I gave up a promising musical career as a Cajun Accordionist to embrace God’s call to win souls for Christ through speaking and apologetics. With a doctorate in philosophy, and undergraduate and graduate degrees in theology from Catholic Distance University and the Augustine Institute, and a Masters in Philosophy from Holy Apostles Seminary and College, I work as a full time apologist and speaker for Catholic Answers and as a member of the chancery evangelization team at the Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma giving talks on various topics of the Catholic Faith. The topics that I present on range from Mary, Purgatory, and the Pope to Atheism, Life After Death, and the historicity and Divinity of Jesus. I have experience in radio and television broadcasting, conference speaking, parish missions, biblical seminars, audio publications, and magazine articles.

Paul J. Kim

Paul Kim is one of the most sought-after Catholic youth and young adult speakers in America. The way he presents is a rare gift to witness and has impacted people of all ages in all 50 states and in 16 countries over the past decade. Moving his audiences from laughter in one moment, to deep reflection and prayer in another; Paul utilizes his many talents (i.e. music – beatboxing, comedy, inspirational talks) to communicate the Gospel message of Christ to people in a way that is engaging, entertaining, and altogether life-changing.

He’s the author of the best-selling "A Catholic Guide To Adulting" Online Course, is the founder of the Triumph Men’s Conference, has released two music albums, and his videos have accumulated tens of millions of views. Paul presents to an average of 40,000 people a year at events throughout the world. His background includes a BA in Philosophy (Franciscan University of Steubenville), an MA in Marriage and Family Therapy (Hope International University), religious formation with the Community of the Franciscans Friars of the Renewal (NYC), and life experiences working as a therapist, missionary, and youth minister. He currently resides in Austin, TX with his beautiful wife and six children.

Sonja Corbitt

Sonja Corbitt is the “Catholic Evangelista” and creator of “the best modernization of lectio” divina: the LOVE the Word® Bible study method and journal. Drawing on decades of experience and training at the Holy Apostles College and Seminary; Catholic Psychotherapy Association; NICABM; Compassionate Inquiry; Encounter School of Ministry; JPII Healing Center Ministry Training; and Unbound®, Sonja’s work appears on CatholicTV, Catholic radio, and podcast. A best-selling author of eight books and Telly Award winning broadcaster, Sonja’s weekly podcast Sacred Healing 12:30 and CatholicTV show Evangelista Bible Study and other high-impact, multi-media Bible study resources create space for busy Christians to hear, heal, and experience God through the Scriptures.

The Vigil Project

We collaborate with musicians around the world to make music for every moment of the Catholic journey.

Our Mission
We’re helping to restore devotional prayer in the Catholic Church that deepens participation in the Sacraments and liturgical seasons.

By helping Catholics learn to pray with music once again.

Guest Speakers

Karlo Broussard

My name is Dr. Karlo Broussard, DPhil, a Ragin Cajun from Southern Louisiana. In my early twenties, I gave up a promising musical career as a Cajun Accordionist to embrace God’s call to win souls for Christ through speaking and apologetics. With a doctorate in philosophy, and undergraduate and graduate degrees in theology from Catholic Distance University and the Augustine Institute, and a Masters in Philosophy from Holy Apostles Seminary and College, I work as a full time apologist and speaker for Catholic Answers and as a member of the chancery evangelization team at the Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma giving talks on various topics of the Catholic Faith. The topics that I present on range from Mary, Purgatory, and the Pope to Atheism, Life After Death, and the historicity and Divinity of Jesus. I have experience in radio and television broadcasting, conference speaking, parish missions, biblical seminars, audio publications, and magazine articles.

Paul J. Kim

Paul Kim is one of the most sought-after Catholic youth and young adult speakers in America. The way he presents is a rare gift to witness and has impacted people of all ages in all 50 states and in 16 countries over the past decade. Moving his audiences from laughter in one moment, to deep reflection and prayer in another; Paul utilizes his many talents (i.e. music – beatboxing, comedy, inspirational talks) to communicate the Gospel message of Christ to people in a way that is engaging, entertaining, and altogether life-changing.

He’s the author of the best-selling "A Catholic Guide To Adulting" Online Course, is the founder of the Triumph Men’s Conference, has released two music albums, and his videos have accumulated tens of millions of views. Paul presents to an average of 40,000 people a year at events throughout the world. His background includes a BA in Philosophy (Franciscan University of Steubenville), an MA in Marriage and Family Therapy (Hope International University), religious formation with the Community of the Franciscans Friars of the Renewal (NYC), and life experiences working as a therapist, missionary, and youth minister. He currently resides in Austin, TX with his beautiful wife and six children.

Sonja Corbitt

Sonja Corbitt is the “Catholic Evangelista” and creator of “the best modernization of lectio” divina: the LOVE the Word® Bible study method and journal. Drawing on decades of experience and training at the Holy Apostles College and Seminary; Catholic Psychotherapy Association; NICABM; Compassionate Inquiry; Encounter School of Ministry; JPII Healing Center Ministry Training; and Unbound®, Sonja’s work appears on CatholicTV, Catholic radio, and podcast. A best-selling author of eight books and Telly Award winning broadcaster, Sonja’s weekly podcast Sacred Healing 12:30 and CatholicTV show Evangelista Bible Study and other high-impact, multi-media Bible study resources create space for busy Christians to hear, heal, and experience God through the Scriptures.

The Vigil Project

We collaborate with musicians around the world to make music for every moment of the Catholic journey.

Our Mission
We’re helping to restore devotional prayer in the Catholic Church that deepens participation in the Sacraments and liturgical seasons.

By helping Catholics learn to pray with music once again.

Guest Speaker

The Vigil Project

We collaborate with musicians around the world to make music for every moment of the Catholic journey.

Our Mission
We’re helping to restore devotional prayer in the Catholic Church that deepens participation in the Sacraments and liturgical seasons.

By helping Catholics learn to pray with music once again.

Thank you to our sponsor!

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