We Fly to Your Protection: The New Eve & Spiritual Warfare

Fullness of Truth’s Marian Conference, We Fly to Your Protection, takes place May 30-31, 2025, at St. Helen’s Catholic Church in Pearland, TX, exploring Mary’s role in salvation history.

Minister Day
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May 30, 2025


May 31, 2025
Minister Location
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St. Helen's Catholic Church

About the Event

Holy Scripture calls Jesus Christ the “New Adam”.  The Blessed Virgin Mary also, by her “Fiat” and obedience to God’s Plan, both then and now, plays a crucial role in the Salvation History as well, and has fittingly been called the “New Eve”. Therefore, this Spring, Fullness of Truth invites you to their exciting Marian conference entitled “We Fly to Your Protection: The Blessed Virgin Mary, our New Eve!” at St. Helen’s Catholic Church in Pearland (Houston), Texas, May 30th & 31st, 2025.  Renown speakers include: DR. MICHAEL BARBER (Author & Augustine Institute Theologian), GABE CASTILLO (Houston’s social media phenom Evangelist), JIM BURNHAM (Catholic  Apologist & Author), and MARY ANN KUHARSKI (hilarious Author & Director of PROLIFE Across AMERICA).  Come journey to the depths of the Church’s teachings about the Blessed Virgin Mary, grasping their firm scriptural and historical roots, while dismantling common objections.

So, who is this “Woman” foreshadowed in Genesis, honored as such by Son of God Himself, and enthroned in the Book of Revelation that Catholics venerate so much?  Why all the “fuss” about Mary,…wasn’t the she just human like the rest of us? Well, Our Blessed Mother is a “big deal”, and every Catholic should not only understand why, but be able to plainly share these powerful insights with a searching and confused World.  

Our dynamic speakers will guide attendees through the Church’s key teachings about the Blessed Virgin Mary, while showing their firm scriptural and historical roots as well.  So, prepare yourself for a fresh, in-depth look at Our Blessed Mother—a vision that helps us to know and love Mary and Jesus Christ more intimately, and to clearly see her glorious role in God's salvific plan!  Don’t Miss It!

Ticket Prices:

Early Bird ends 4/30/25

  • General Admission: $55 (Early) | $65 (After 4/30/25)
  • Priority Pass (Limited to 50): $100 (Early) | $125 (After 4/30/25)
  • Family Pass: $135 (Early) | $150 (After 4/30/25)
  • Clergy/Religious: Free
  • Youth Pass (with one adult): $20 (Early) | $25 (After 4/30/25)
  • Group Admission (5 or more): $45 (Early) | $55 (After 4/30/25)

Ticket prices include Saturday lunch.

Conference Schedule

Friday, May 30

4:00 PM - Registration and Bookstore Open

5:45 PM - Welcome & Introductions – Church Sanctuary

5:45 PM - Presentation #1: Marian Spirituality by Gabe Castillo

6:30 PM - Break6:55 PM - Presentation #2: TBD by Mary Ann Kuharski

7:40 PM - Break

8:05 PM - Presentation #3: Marian Dogmas by Jim Burnham

8:50 PM - Closing Remarks

9:30 PM - Bookstore Closes

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Saturday, May 31

7:00 AM - Registration and Bookstore Open
7:30 AM - Holy Rosary
8:00 AM - Conference Welcome Remarks – Church Sanctuary
8:10 AM - Presentation #4 by Dr. Michael Barber
9:00 AM - Break
9:25 AM - Presentation #5: Marian Apparitions by Gabe Castillo
10:15 AM - Break
10:30 AM - Sheen Group’s Presentation
10:50 AM - Break
11:00 AM - Presentation #6: Our Lady of Guadalupe Documentary Video by Michael O’Neill
11:45 AM - Angelus & Lunch Break (Emcee leads Angelus)
1:00 PM - Presentation #7 by Mary Ann Kuharski
1:45 PM - Break
2:05 PM - Presentation #8: Marian Typology by Jim Burnham
2:50 PM - Break
3:10 PM - Presentation #9 by Dr. Michael Barber
4:00 PM - Day One Closing Remarks & Church Preparation for Vigil Mass
5:00 PM - St. Helen’s Vigil Mass – Fr. Philip Wilhite
6:30 PM - Bookstore Closes

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Sunday, June 1

8:00 AM - 2:00 PM - Registration and Bookstore Open

(Schedule subject to change)

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Calendar Icon - Church X Webflow Template
May 30, 2025


May 31, 2025
Location Icon - Church X Webflow Template
St. Helen's Catholic Church
Pearland/Houston, TX
We Fly to Your Protection: The New Eve & Spiritual Warfare

Guest Speakers

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Gabe Castillo
Social Media Phenom & Evangelist

Gabriel Castillo is a Catholic videographer and lay evangelist. He is the founder of True Faith TV, and host of the podcast, Children of Mary.Gabe has produced documentaries available online, including Lessons from Lourdes, The Power of the Rosary, Testimonies of the Rosary, How You Can Become a Saint, and many more. His talks, presentations, and videos have over 11,000,000 views and he is a dynamic and inspiring presenter on the faith.Gabriel is a husband and father of four children in Sugar Land, Texas. He was the Director of Evangelization at St. Theresa Catholic Church from 2009-2018 and is currently serving as the Director of Youth Ministry.

Dr. Michael Barber
Author & Augustine Institute Theologian

Michael Patrick Barber is Professor of Sacred Scripture and Theology. He is the author of numerous scholarly articles and publications, including, The Historical Jesus and the Temple: Memory, Methodology, and the Gospel of Matthew  (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming; with a Foreword from Dale C. Allison, Jr.) and Paul, A New Covenant Jew: Rethinking Pauline Theology (Eerdmans, 2019), co-written with Brant Pitre and John Kincaid (with a Foreword from Michael J. Gorman). He is an active member of the Society of Biblical Literature and the Catholic Biblical Association. In addition to his teaching and academic research, Dr. Barber has written public-facing works, most recently, The True Meaning of Christmas: The Birth of Jesus and the Origins of the Season (Augustine Institute Press, 2021; Foreword by John Cavadini). For more about his work, see his page on Academia.edu. He also writes for the website, TheSacredPage.com, and can be found on Twitter (@MichaelPBarber).

Jim Burnham
Catholic Apologist & Author

Jim Burnham is the second born in a Catholic family of ten children. He and his wife, Lisa, have been married for over 25 years and have six children. Jim graduated in 1989 as valedictorian from Michigan's Hillsdale College with a degree in philosophy. Questions from evangelical classmates forced Jim to rediscover the amazing biblical and historical basis of his Catholic faith. Jim and his father founded San Juan Catholic Seminars, a lay organization devoted to explaining and defending the Catholic faith. It has grown into a full-fledged apologetics ministry, offering seminars, CDs, and the popular booklet series, Beginning Apologetics. Jim gives apologetics seminars throughout the country and is a frequent guest on Catholic radio. Along with Steve Wood, Jim is co-author of Christian Fatherhood.

Mary Ann Kuharski
Director of PROLIFE Across AMERICA

Mary Ann Kuharski is a wife and mother of thirteen children, six of whom are adopted and of mixed races with "special needs." She and her husband John are members of St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Minneapolis and active members of the Knights of Columbus. They are now grandparents to a growing and extended family. Mary Ann is an author and speaker on Life and Family issues. She is a founding member and Director of PROLIFE Across AMERICA, known as “The Billboard People” for its positive and persuasive educational messages which appear nationwide. They annually sponsor over 30,000 radio ads and 10,500 billboards in addition to ads on the Internet. Mary Ann has served in various aspects of the pro-life movement and as a volunteer counselor offering support to women with problem pregnancies. She has served as an Advisory Board Member of the National Council for Adoption and on the Minnesota Governor's Task Force regarding children with handicaps and special needs. She has testified twice in Congress on adoption-related issues and has appeared on local and national radio and television, including EWTN Live with Father Mitch Pacwa and Johnnette Benkovic's Abundant Life. Mary Ann is a frequent speaker at pro-life events, Marriage and Family conferences, Eucharistic/Marian Conferences, and Advent/Lenten Retreats. For inquiries and scheduling requests, contact Angie Johnson at (612) 812-7993. To view clips of Mary Ann’s talks, visit prolifeacrossamerica.org/family-life-speakers. Mary Ann has received numerous awards including: Catholic Woman of the Year Award from the National Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Leading With Faith Catholic Business Leader Award by The Catholic Spirit, Relevant Radio’s Christ Brings Hope Award, Humanitarian Award by the Siena Women's Symposium. Publications: Monthly Columnist for The Catholic Servant, Authored five books: Raising Catholic Children (OSV Press), Parenting With Prayer (OSV Press), Building a Legacy of Love (Faith Publishing), Outnumbered: Raising 13 Kids with Humor & Prayer (Servant), Prayers for Life — Forty Daily Devotions (Ave Maria Press). Presentation Topics Include: Battling the culture of death by Creating a Culture of Life!, PROLIFE Across AMERICA’s life-saving Outreach!, Battling the Over-Population Lie and other Anti-Life Propaganda!, Raising Christian Children with Humor and Prayer in a Secular Age., Cana Talk: Marriage & Parenting — a Vocational Call (John & Mary Ann)., What to do when loved ones leave the Faith., Basic Keys to Parenting — when “all the other parents” say it’s OK!

Guest Speakers

Gabe Castillo
Social Media Phenom & Evangelist

Gabriel Castillo is a Catholic videographer and lay evangelist. He is the founder of True Faith TV, and host of the podcast, Children of Mary.Gabe has produced documentaries available online, including Lessons from Lourdes, The Power of the Rosary, Testimonies of the Rosary, How You Can Become a Saint, and many more. His talks, presentations, and videos have over 11,000,000 views and he is a dynamic and inspiring presenter on the faith.Gabriel is a husband and father of four children in Sugar Land, Texas. He was the Director of Evangelization at St. Theresa Catholic Church from 2009-2018 and is currently serving as the Director of Youth Ministry.

Dr. Michael Barber
Author & Augustine Institute Theologian

Michael Patrick Barber is Professor of Sacred Scripture and Theology. He is the author of numerous scholarly articles and publications, including, The Historical Jesus and the Temple: Memory, Methodology, and the Gospel of Matthew  (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming; with a Foreword from Dale C. Allison, Jr.) and Paul, A New Covenant Jew: Rethinking Pauline Theology (Eerdmans, 2019), co-written with Brant Pitre and John Kincaid (with a Foreword from Michael J. Gorman). He is an active member of the Society of Biblical Literature and the Catholic Biblical Association. In addition to his teaching and academic research, Dr. Barber has written public-facing works, most recently, The True Meaning of Christmas: The Birth of Jesus and the Origins of the Season (Augustine Institute Press, 2021; Foreword by John Cavadini). For more about his work, see his page on Academia.edu. He also writes for the website, TheSacredPage.com, and can be found on Twitter (@MichaelPBarber).

Jim Burnham
Catholic Apologist & Author

Jim Burnham is the second born in a Catholic family of ten children. He and his wife, Lisa, have been married for over 25 years and have six children. Jim graduated in 1989 as valedictorian from Michigan's Hillsdale College with a degree in philosophy. Questions from evangelical classmates forced Jim to rediscover the amazing biblical and historical basis of his Catholic faith. Jim and his father founded San Juan Catholic Seminars, a lay organization devoted to explaining and defending the Catholic faith. It has grown into a full-fledged apologetics ministry, offering seminars, CDs, and the popular booklet series, Beginning Apologetics. Jim gives apologetics seminars throughout the country and is a frequent guest on Catholic radio. Along with Steve Wood, Jim is co-author of Christian Fatherhood.

Mary Ann Kuharski
Director of PROLIFE Across AMERICA

Mary Ann Kuharski is a wife and mother of thirteen children, six of whom are adopted and of mixed races with "special needs." She and her husband John are members of St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Minneapolis and active members of the Knights of Columbus. They are now grandparents to a growing and extended family. Mary Ann is an author and speaker on Life and Family issues. She is a founding member and Director of PROLIFE Across AMERICA, known as “The Billboard People” for its positive and persuasive educational messages which appear nationwide. They annually sponsor over 30,000 radio ads and 10,500 billboards in addition to ads on the Internet. Mary Ann has served in various aspects of the pro-life movement and as a volunteer counselor offering support to women with problem pregnancies. She has served as an Advisory Board Member of the National Council for Adoption and on the Minnesota Governor's Task Force regarding children with handicaps and special needs. She has testified twice in Congress on adoption-related issues and has appeared on local and national radio and television, including EWTN Live with Father Mitch Pacwa and Johnnette Benkovic's Abundant Life. Mary Ann is a frequent speaker at pro-life events, Marriage and Family conferences, Eucharistic/Marian Conferences, and Advent/Lenten Retreats. For inquiries and scheduling requests, contact Angie Johnson at (612) 812-7993. To view clips of Mary Ann’s talks, visit prolifeacrossamerica.org/family-life-speakers. Mary Ann has received numerous awards including: Catholic Woman of the Year Award from the National Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Leading With Faith Catholic Business Leader Award by The Catholic Spirit, Relevant Radio’s Christ Brings Hope Award, Humanitarian Award by the Siena Women's Symposium. Publications: Monthly Columnist for The Catholic Servant, Authored five books: Raising Catholic Children (OSV Press), Parenting With Prayer (OSV Press), Building a Legacy of Love (Faith Publishing), Outnumbered: Raising 13 Kids with Humor & Prayer (Servant), Prayers for Life — Forty Daily Devotions (Ave Maria Press). Presentation Topics Include: Battling the culture of death by Creating a Culture of Life!, PROLIFE Across AMERICA’s life-saving Outreach!, Battling the Over-Population Lie and other Anti-Life Propaganda!, Raising Christian Children with Humor and Prayer in a Secular Age., Cana Talk: Marriage & Parenting — a Vocational Call (John & Mary Ann)., What to do when loved ones leave the Faith., Basic Keys to Parenting — when “all the other parents” say it’s OK!

Guest Speaker

Mary Ann Kuharski
Director of PROLIFE Across AMERICA

Mary Ann Kuharski is a wife and mother of thirteen children, six of whom are adopted and of mixed races with "special needs." She and her husband John are members of St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Minneapolis and active members of the Knights of Columbus. They are now grandparents to a growing and extended family. Mary Ann is an author and speaker on Life and Family issues. She is a founding member and Director of PROLIFE Across AMERICA, known as “The Billboard People” for its positive and persuasive educational messages which appear nationwide. They annually sponsor over 30,000 radio ads and 10,500 billboards in addition to ads on the Internet. Mary Ann has served in various aspects of the pro-life movement and as a volunteer counselor offering support to women with problem pregnancies. She has served as an Advisory Board Member of the National Council for Adoption and on the Minnesota Governor's Task Force regarding children with handicaps and special needs. She has testified twice in Congress on adoption-related issues and has appeared on local and national radio and television, including EWTN Live with Father Mitch Pacwa and Johnnette Benkovic's Abundant Life. Mary Ann is a frequent speaker at pro-life events, Marriage and Family conferences, Eucharistic/Marian Conferences, and Advent/Lenten Retreats. For inquiries and scheduling requests, contact Angie Johnson at (612) 812-7993. To view clips of Mary Ann’s talks, visit prolifeacrossamerica.org/family-life-speakers. Mary Ann has received numerous awards including: Catholic Woman of the Year Award from the National Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Leading With Faith Catholic Business Leader Award by The Catholic Spirit, Relevant Radio’s Christ Brings Hope Award, Humanitarian Award by the Siena Women's Symposium. Publications: Monthly Columnist for The Catholic Servant, Authored five books: Raising Catholic Children (OSV Press), Parenting With Prayer (OSV Press), Building a Legacy of Love (Faith Publishing), Outnumbered: Raising 13 Kids with Humor & Prayer (Servant), Prayers for Life — Forty Daily Devotions (Ave Maria Press). Presentation Topics Include: Battling the culture of death by Creating a Culture of Life!, PROLIFE Across AMERICA’s life-saving Outreach!, Battling the Over-Population Lie and other Anti-Life Propaganda!, Raising Christian Children with Humor and Prayer in a Secular Age., Cana Talk: Marriage & Parenting — a Vocational Call (John & Mary Ann)., What to do when loved ones leave the Faith., Basic Keys to Parenting — when “all the other parents” say it’s OK!

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