Fullness of Truth’s Marian Conference, We Fly to Your Protection, takes place May 30-31, 2025, at St. Helen’s Catholic Church in Pearland, TX, exploring Mary’s role in salvation history.
Holy Scripture calls Jesus Christ the “New Adam”. The Blessed Virgin Mary also, by her “Fiat” and obedience to God’s Plan, both then and now, plays a crucial role in the Salvation History as well, and has fittingly been called the “New Eve”. Therefore, this Spring, Fullness of Truth invites you to their exciting Marian conference entitled “We Fly to Your Protection: The Blessed Virgin Mary, our New Eve!” at St. Helen’s Catholic Church in Pearland (Houston), Texas, May 30th & 31st, 2025. Renown speakers include: DR. MICHAEL BARBER (Author & Augustine Institute Theologian), GABE CASTILLO (Houston’s social media phenom Evangelist), JIM BURNHAM (Catholic Apologist & Author), and MARY ANN KUHARSKI (hilarious Author & Director of PROLIFE Across AMERICA). Come journey to the depths of the Church’s teachings about the Blessed Virgin Mary, grasping their firm scriptural and historical roots, while dismantling common objections.
So, who is this “Woman” foreshadowed in Genesis, honored as such by Son of God Himself, and enthroned in the Book of Revelation that Catholics venerate so much? Why all the “fuss” about Mary,…wasn’t the she just human like the rest of us? Well, Our Blessed Mother is a “big deal”, and every Catholic should not only understand why, but be able to plainly share these powerful insights with a searching and confused World.
Our dynamic speakers will guide attendees through the Church’s key teachings about the Blessed Virgin Mary, while showing their firm scriptural and historical roots as well. So, prepare yourself for a fresh, in-depth look at Our Blessed Mother—a vision that helps us to know and love Mary and Jesus Christ more intimately, and to clearly see her glorious role in God's salvific plan! Don’t Miss It!
Ticket Prices:
Early Bird ends 4/30/25
Ticket prices include Saturday lunch.
4:00 PM - Registration and Bookstore Open
5:45 PM - Welcome & Introductions – Church Sanctuary
5:45 PM - Presentation #1: Marian Spirituality by Gabe Castillo
6:30 PM - Break6:55 PM - Presentation #2: TBD by Mary Ann Kuharski
7:40 PM - Break
8:05 PM - Presentation #3: Marian Dogmas by Jim Burnham
8:50 PM - Closing Remarks
9:30 PM - Bookstore Closes
7:00 AM - Registration and Bookstore Open
7:30 AM - Holy Rosary
8:00 AM - Conference Welcome Remarks – Church Sanctuary
8:10 AM - Presentation #4 by Dr. Michael Barber
9:00 AM - Break
9:25 AM - Presentation #5: Marian Apparitions by Gabe Castillo
10:15 AM - Break
10:30 AM - Sheen Group’s Presentation
10:50 AM - Break
11:00 AM - Presentation #6: Our Lady of Guadalupe Documentary Video by Michael O’Neill
11:45 AM - Angelus & Lunch Break (Emcee leads Angelus)
1:00 PM - Presentation #7 by Mary Ann Kuharski
1:45 PM - Break
2:05 PM - Presentation #8: Marian Typology by Jim Burnham
2:50 PM - Break
3:10 PM - Presentation #9 by Dr. Michael Barber
4:00 PM - Day One Closing Remarks & Church Preparation for Vigil Mass
5:00 PM - St. Helen’s Vigil Mass – Fr. Philip Wilhite
6:30 PM - Bookstore Closes
8:00 AM - 2:00 PM - Registration and Bookstore Open
(Schedule subject to change)
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