Kenneth Zammit

President and Founder

Kenneth Zammit was born in San Diego, CA and baptized Roman Catholic in 1964. He sadly lost his faith at age 18 and slipped headlong into agnosticism, subjectivism, and secular humanism. During this time, however, he earned a B.A. in Physiology from the University of California, San Diego, in 1987, and his D.D.S. from the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry in Minneapolis in 1991.While completing his certification and Masters Degree in Periodontics from the University of Texas, the Holy Spirit began calling Kenneth home again, with a deep, nagging desire to know objective Truth to be found only in the revelation of the Word of God made flesh, Jesus Christ. Through the simple, yet strong Christian witness of his future wife, Micha, and through intense personal study of ecclesiastical history, Christian doctrine and apologetics initiated by his reading of Karl Keating’s book, Catholicism and Fundamentalism, Kenneth's reversion to the Catholic Faith was realized in 1995. Kenneth practiced Periodontics in Kingwood, Texas for 21 years before moving full-time into Christian ministry.  Their daughter Lauren is now married to Andrew Pecha, and their son Austin is pursuing a career in Engineering. Kenneth prayerfully founded Fullness of Truth in January 2001 to provide a means of greater regional outreach with the fullness of faith, grace and truth of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.