Dr. John Bergsma serves as Professor of Theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville and Vice President of Mission at the St. Paul Center. He holds the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) and Master of Theology (Th.M.) degrees from Calvin Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan, and served as a Protestant pastor for four years before entering the Catholic Church in 2001, while pursuing a doctorate (Ph.D) in Theology from the University of Notre Dame. He specialized in the Old Testament and the Dead Sea Scrolls, graduating with high honors in 2004.
Over the years, Dr. Bergsma has become a sought-after speaker and author. Last year alone, John spoke at a dozen priests conferences, to an estimated 1,000 Priests. He is the author of over twenty books on Scripture and the Catholic faith, including his series of reflections on the Sunday Mass readings titled: The Word of the Lord: Reflections on the Sunday Mass Readings and his upcoming release Jesus and the Jubilee: The Biblical Roots of the Year of God's Favor.
Other popular books include Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls: Revealing the Jewish Roots of the Church, Introduction to the Bible: The Old Testament, the Bible Basics series, and Stunned by Scripture, which details John’s conversion story.
John can also be found frequently each week on the St. Paul Center’s Letters from Home podcast and YouTube channel. He also hosts a weekly show with Dr. Scott Hahn titled: Word of the Lord, which reaches Catholics all around the world at stpaulcenter.com.
Most importantly: John and his wife Dawn have been married since 1993 and have 8 children and 3 grandchildren (so far)!