Board Member
John Erwin and his wife Amy are the proud parents of seven beautiful children, with two of the young men recently graduated from the Air Force Academy, and another soon to graduate from the Naval Academy. Both John and Amy are both life-long Catholics, and tremendously enjoy the joy that comes with developing and building a family around sound Catholic values. All their children have had the opportunity to benefit from Catholic education their entire lives, and this has also provided a foundation to learn and enjoy their Catholic faith.Amy is active in several different Catholic and Air Force Academy causes. She is passionate about her Catholic faith and is a "champion of the unborn". John’s Catholic journey however, took an unusual twist around three years ago when he was diagnosed with a life-threatening cancer (Sarcoma). This deadly cancer seems to come randomly, and it's hard to over-estimate the effect this had on John, his family, and his revival in faith formation. The old adage, “you never meet an atheist in a foxhole” certainly became extremely relevant to John. Thanks to wonderful medical teams and family support, John has been very blessed in his treatment outcomes and favorable prognosis. He now discusses with his seven children the opportunities that these challenges present, and one of the phrases he now likes to use is, "another door has opened". Health challenges, and the suffering that accompanies them, has shown John and his family how tenuous and precious our lives and time together are.Armed with this experience, he is particularly excited about Fullness of Truth, since he "just happened to" attend several conferences at exactly the right time in his ongoing formation. Yes, God does have a plan! John is acutely aware of the "Fullness of Truth moment and movement", and believes now there is an unusual opportunity to reach the Catholic family looking for strong values, and a very substantial message rooted in more than 2000 years of teaching and the lives of the Saints.John has enjoyed a tremendous three-decade-plus career, leading 2 successful start-up businesses that grew employment from teams of a 1000 members, to over 10,000. More specifically, and driven by his entrepreneurial spirit, John was part of the original investment team that acquired Carenet in 2004. He brought with him a vision of helping the healthcare industry deliver exceptional member and patient experiences that ultimately improve care, outcomes and costs. John is an innovator in the field of healthcare consumer influence and has grown Carenet Health to be a leading healthcare engagement, clinical, telehealth and advocacy solutions provider supporting 50 million consumers annually. He has also received a number of national awards, including the "EY Entrepreneur of the Year". His work in improving healthcare engagement includes partnering closely with the leadership of more than 100 of the nation’s premier health plans. Prior to Carenet, John created West Corporation Outbound, in San Antonio, Texas, where he resides with his wife Amy and his family today.