Msgr. James Golasinski

Spiritual Board Member

Msgr. James Golasinski grew up in Houston near St Joseph Parish. He and his brother Donald both attended St Mary's Seminary and were ordained for the Diocese. Following his ordination and service at St. Michael and St. Mary’s Parishes, Father Golasinski was sent by Bishop Morkovsky to study at the Catholic University of America in Washington DC. From there he graduated with a Masters in Education. On his return to Houston, he became the Education Director for the Diocese. He left that position in the 1960’s to work as a missionary in Korea with the now Venerable Msgr. Aloysius Schwartz. He remained in Korea for more than 10 years before health concerns forced him to return to Houston.After his recovery, he became the founding Pastor of St. Andrew Kim Parish in 1977. Following that, he was assigned to Annunciation Parish, where in addition to assisting Msgr. de la'Torre with Masses, he would fly every Sunday to New Orleans and then to San Antonio to celebrate Mass in the Korean language. Apart from his other responsibilities, he provided care and comfort to his friend and brother priest, the ailing Msgr. de la'Torre, until the pastor’s death in 1989.Msgr. Golasinski became Pastor of Annunciation in 1989. On January 9, 1995, it was announced by Bishop Joseph Fiorenza that Father James Golasinski was elevated to Monsignor by Pope John Paul II. He served in the capacity of pastor until July 1, 2013, when Daniel Cardinal DiNardo officially accepted his letter of retirement. Monsignor remains very active in the Archdiocese assisting with Masses at Annunciation Church and other locations, teaching Bible studies, and promoting the cause that has always been most dear to his heart, respect and protection for the unborn and for all life until a natural death.