Patrick Madrid

Patrick Madrid and his wife Nancy have been married for over 40 years and have been blessed with 11 children and 23 grandchildren (so far). Their most important goal as a couple is to hear the Lord Jesus say to them and their children one day, "Well done, good and faithful servants; you have been faithful over a enter into the joy of your Master." (Matt. 25:21).Patrick hosted the popular "Patrick Madrid Show" radio program which aired daily on 130 stations across the U.S. In 2012 he launched the daily "Right Here, Right Now" radio show which he hosted until early 2015. From 2007 to 2012 he hosted EWTN's Thursday edition of the "Open Line" broadcast.He wrote and hosted several EWTN television series, including "Pope Fiction," "Search and Rescue," and "Where is That in the Bible?" He was a regular guest on the "Catholic Answers Live" radio program.Patrick established the Envoy Institute in 1996 and, from 1996 to 2011, published the quarterly Catholic journal, Envoy Magazine. The Envoy Institute also conducts the Catholic Apologetics Academy and Catholic Apologetics Summer Camp.He has authored or edited 25 books including, Why Be Catholic, Life Lessons: 50 Things I Learned in My First 50 Years, How to do Apologetics, Pope Fiction, Search and Rescue, Does the Bible Really Say That?, Envoy for Christ: 25 Years as a Catholic Apologist, and the multi-volume Surprised by Truth series. His total books sales exceed a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. Over the decades,Patrick has published numerous popular articles on Scripture, Church history, patristics, apologetics, and evangelization in various Catholic and Protestant periodicals, and has contributed scholarly articles on apologetics in the New Catholic Encyclopedia.From 1988 to 1996, Patrick worked at Catholic Answers, where he served as vice president and helped launch their flagship magazine, This Rock, in January of 1990. During his time there, he co-authored the booklet Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth, tens of millions of copies of which have been printed and distributed around the world.Patrick is a life-long Catholic, not a convert. He earned a bachelor of science degree in business from the University of Phoenix, and well as a B.Phil. in philosophy and an M.A. in dogmatic theology from the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio. He has served as an adjunct professor of theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville and is a research fellow of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Studies. He is currently an adjunct professor of apologetics in Holy Apostles College and Seminary's theology department.Patrick has conducted countless teaching seminars on Catholic themes at conferences, parishes, and universities across North America, as well as throughout Europe, and in Latin America, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. He is also a veteran of a dozen formal, public debates with Protestant ministers, Mormon leaders, and other non-Catholic spokesmen.