Steven and Leslie Shofner

Steven and his wife Leslie have been married for over 30 years and are blessed to have three beautiful children. Native Texans, they currently reside in Houston and are parishioners at St. John Vianney Catholic Church. They are both cradle Catholics who enjoy involvement in many areas of parish ministry including mentoring couples preparing for the sacrament of marriage. Most recently, they have completed formation in the first Missionaries to the Family class through Paradisus Dei, a lay Catholic ministry dedicated to helping families find the superabundance of God within marriage and family life.

Steven is currently Senior Vice President at McGriff Insurance Services in Houston. He has served the Health Insurance industry over 17 years facilitating employee benefits for corporate clients. He grew up in Beaumont, Texas and went on to attend Lamar University. An avid golfer in high school and college, Steven went on to complete business and player’s certification to become a member of the PGA of America where he worked 17 years as a golf industry club and teaching professional after college.

Through the invitation and witness of wonderful friends, Steven and his family attended their first Fullness of Truth family conference in 2010 and have been going ever since. Both Steven and Leslie experienced an awakening in their Catholic faith at that first conference, leaving with a renewed love and desire to go deeper. The timing of this in their lives, along with the ordination and pastoral care from a very special priest in Houston whom they would come to know shortly after, was a critical turning point in their lives and undoubtedly a blessing that has since born much fruit in their family and faith lives.